
With Nano arthroscopy, your surgeon uses a needle-sized, high-quality camera to clearly see and diagnose your injury and may incorporate other Nano instruments to treat it.
Other ways to see and diagnose your injury, such as MRI, may not be necessary because Nano can be used to identify many conditions during a regular appointment. Your doctor can even discuss what they are seeing with you, rather than having to wait for test results, which means fewer costly appointments.5
Because MIS surgery with Nano arthroscopy (surgery performed using a millimeters-wide device to view and treat injuries) requires only a tiny incision and minimal tissue damage, patients reported less pain than with traditional arthroscopy procedures.2 With less pain, you may need less narcotic pain medication.4
Most Nano procedures can be performed outside a traditional operating room. Instead, you may be able to visit your surgeon at their ambulatory surgery center, a health care facility focused on same-day surgical care, or another treatment setting.
Additionally, your doctor will discuss anesthesia options with you to determine the level of anesthesia that best fits your procedure and comfort level, from local anesthesia (which allows you to stay awake during treatment) to twilight anesthesia (mild sedation).
A tiny incision is all that’s required for Nano procedures. This small incision and the tiny instrumentation designed to minimize tissue disruption mean a smaller scar. Patients who underwent MIS procedures reported less pain2 and fewer surgical complications.6 Also, Nano arthroscopy is associated with a low risk of infection.6
Based on what your surgeon and treatment facility offer, your Nano Experience is thoroughly customizable. This may include options such as choosing the level of anesthesia you prefer and picking a playlist to enjoy during your procedure.
Local anesthesia, where the area of surgery is numbed, even allows you to stay awake during your procedure so you and your doctor can discuss your comfort and experience in real time. These options allow you to take an active role in your treatment.
Why Surgeons Choose the Nano Arthroscopy Experience
Surgeons who offer the Nano Experience share how it benefits their patients.
“Nano technology has changed everything I do. Doing things in a less invasive way with less anesthesia has had an absolutely amazing impact for patients."
Kansas City, MO
“The percutaneous (needle) nature of Nano is designed to prevent soft-tissue disruption and scarring, allowing my patients and Division 1 athletes to return to life and sports quickly.”1

Columbus, OH
“Nano arthroscopy allows me to treat more and more pathologies than before and innovate in terms of new diagnoses and more refined surgical treatments for our patients.”
Rochester, MN